Sound Advice Theory & Ear-Training Classes

Contact the coordinator for all registration placement and schedule information:
Crystal Wiksyk, Theory Coordinator: [email protected]

Sound Advice is a complete theory and musicianship program where theory, ear training, sight-reading, music history and composition are integrated to develop musical literacy. Where applicable, students are prepared for the theory and ear training components of instrumental/vocal examinations, high school credits, and postsecondary theory placement but the main reason to take Sound Advice theory classes is to develop a deeper understanding of how music “works” and to foster a life-long enjoyment of music. Students will sometimes cover more than one level per year, but this varies depending on the level and age of the student.

Theory & Ear-Training for Beginners

Levels 1 or 2
Students learn to read music and/or improve their music reading and aural skills. These one term courses lay a foundation for further studies of any instrument and enrich early studies. Parents welcome.

Levels 3 or 4

Theory & Ear-Training Levels 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8

Sound Advice for Adults
Using material from the Sound Advice program, students learn to read music and/or improve their reading and aural skills, laying the foundation for further studies and enriching early music studies. These classes provide an excellent foundation for future or current instrumental studies and enrich early music training. The courses are designed to make all your musical involvements more enjoyable, as your increased knowledge provides new levels of understanding and musical independence.

Harmony, Counterpoint, and History

Introductory Harmony
This course provides an excellent foundation for further studies in Harmony & Counterpoint. Students are introduced to four-part harmony, counterpoint, seventh chords, improvising over chord progressions, baroque dances, song writing ear-training and more.

Harmony 9, or Harmony & Counterpoint 10
Topics include melody writing, harmonization in four parts, counterpoint, harmonic and structural analysis, modulation and form as required for RCM Level 9 or 10 Harmony and Counterpoint examinations.

Advanced Harmony and Counterpoint

Keyboard Harmony
Improvising over chord progressions, baroque dances, song writing ear-training and more.

Music History classes are suitable for all students, from school age through to adults and seniors, either as a complement to studio instruction, or simply for music appreciation. Courses offered integrate into all of theory classes up to level 8. As of level 9, three levels of advanced History classes are offered. All classes align with the RCM’s 2016 theory syllabus and prepare students to write the corresponding History examination held in May.