Group Classes & Ensembles
The Victoria Conservatory of Music welcomes the whole community, with group classes and ensembles for students of all ages and musical abilities. Explore your artistic talent while expanding your musical knowledge and skills through a variety of subject areas and musical genres.
How to Register
Group classes and ensembles can be registered for online, in person, or by phone
Course Calendar
Browse descriptions of group classes and ensembles, filtering by genre, instrument, location, and more.
Looking for Individual Lessons?
Why Take Group Classes?
Group classes and ensembles range from 5 to 30+ participants from beginner to experienced. Learning about music in a group setting or performing as part of an ensemble has its benefits:
- Meet new like-minded people in your community
- Learn from others and boost creativity
- Builds confidence by working as a team
- Low commitment way to try out a new instrument or technology
You can find everything about musical life here. Everybody is so kind and there is always a real interest in your development and success. Thank you VCM!
Victoria Conservatory of Music Student
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