Establish a Scholarship or Bursary

You can make a difference in the life of a student by establishing a scholarship or bursary or contributing to an existing fund. This program is vital to our student’s ability to begin and continue to pursue their musical studies at the Victoria Conservatory of Music.

Scholarships and bursaries build upon our vision that music be accessible to everyone. Tens of thousands of dollars are awarded each year to new and current students across all instrument types, all levels of talent, and all ages.

Contributions from people who care about opportunities to learn and perform music make a difference in the quality and scope of music programs the Conservatory can offer. We thank all donors past and present who have created and contributed to the various scholarships and bursaries. These awards assist hundreds of students every year.

Creating a named scholarship is a meaningful way to honour and memorialize a loved one. Named scholarships can be established as a perpetually endowed fund with a minimum $10,000 initial donation. If you are interested in learning more about creating a named scholarship at the Victoria Conservatory of Music, please contact us at 250.386.5311 or development[at]

Read more about scholarships and bursaries

To receive [an award] reaffirms, in my eyes, that the decision to enroll in the postsecondary program at the Conservatory was, without a doubt, the right choice…it feels good to know that I am supported, and it makes me even more driven to do the best that I can in this program.


The Underwood Legacy

Music was an important part of Thomas and Betty Underwoods’ lives. Mr. Underwood took flute lessons at the Conservatory, and after borrowing a double bass from a friend, he learned to play it. An electrician by trade, Mr. Underwood was an active member of the music community. He played bass in the Cowichan Consort Orchestra, the Cowichan Camerata String Orchestra, and the string chamber group Tall Strings. Mrs. Underwood was an active folk dancer and could often be found collecting tickets at the door of Mr. Underwood’s concerts.

When Mr. Underwood passed away in 2022, he left the Conservatory a gift of just over $890,000. The Thomas & Betty Underwood Bursary Fund was endowed at the Victoria Foundation in loving memory of Mr. Underwood and his late wife, Betty.

Thanks to the generous forethought of Mr. Underwood, approximately $45,000 in new bursary funds will be available to the Victoria Conservatory of Music in financial need in the Fall of 2024. His gift will be endowed, benefitting students in perpetuity. Based on financial need, students can receive between 30 and 60 percent off of their registration costs at the Victoria Conservatory.

Tom and Betty Underwood
Tom Underwood playing the flute on a beach
O Thomas Webb and wife Patricia on their wedding day in 1943
O. Thomas Webb and a young student playing euphonium in 1985

Webb Family Gift

O. Thomas (Tom) Webb’s first fiddle lesson as a young boy in the 1920’s was paid for with a dozen eggs! It was a significant start, as Tom kept music with him his entire life of nearly 100 years. When Tom’s son, Michael Webb, approached the Victoria Conservatory of Music about setting up a named Scholarship for Winds and Brass in memory of his father, he also wanted to help ensure the Conservatory is here for everyone who wants to learn music, for the next 100 years. As such, Tom’s legacy also includes a gift to the Victoria Conservatory of Music Operating Endowment Fund. Thank you to the Webb Family for making double the impact. The operating endowment helps us to ensure sustainability for the future by providing a reliable income.

The good news is, donations to our endowment fund have the potential for match funding by Canadian Heritage, Canada Cultural Investment Fund and Endowment Incentives Component, so your donations have twice the impact! Please consider making a legacy gift to the Victoria Conservatory of Music’s Operating Endowment Fund to benefit your community in this way.

Create a Legacy

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development[at] | 250.386.5311

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